Take a good look at the envelopes above, then think of the Ugly Duckling story and how she transformed into the beautiful swan. Amazing how the eye can see one thing and creativity can completely make it into another.
I used the Dulwich Collection papers by Delish. It's lovely paper isn't it? I have to say that it's not something that would normally catch my eye. Before I go on I have to pay credit to two people. Firstly the idea of the album was from Laura at http://followingthepapertrail.blogspot.com/. I love her tutorials they are always great and so full of fun. If you are after some inspiration pop over to her blog and have a look, she's fabulous.
So thank you Laura for the great idea for making an album from envelopes! Yes can you believe it? I used 6 envelopes and followed Laura's instructions to form them into a blank album. She is so clever.
Secondly I must say Thank you to one of the Ladies at my local scrap store Eunice. She is a very very talented lady and showed me that she was about to make these albums with this range of papers. Now I have not seen how Eunice completed her album, no doubt that it will be outrageously exceptional and different to mine. After all, each one becomes an extension of it's creator doesn't it? I would never have picked up these papers. I did look at them when they first appeared in the store and thought mmmmm not for me, but Eunice planted the seed in my head and they actually are perfect for this album that I made for my mum. *clap clap Eunice*
Anyway so I bought the papers home and over the following weeks I gathered supplies. I liked the steel blue type cardstock, it seemed to lift the greyish muted tones of the paper. The white embellishments also help to brighten it up without detracting from the older style of the paper. I bought lots of trinkets and silver charms and had a great deal creative satisfaction putting it all together. I also used the lovely Dark Room door stamps, lots of rubons, Prima flowers, Kaiser diamontes (just have to have *bling* on everything darlingk!), heaps of ribbons, KindyGlitz and my new Carl paper trimmer (oh how I just love that trimmer!).
It's very much a mini recap of my mum's family. I actually photographed the photos so that she could keep the originals and I think the copies came up pretty good considering the originals were a little faded. It's funny but I sort of think that the photos seemed to take on an energy of their own once they found their rightful place in the album. I did a bit of shuffling and moving, cropping and tagging to get them in. I have also left a few blank spaces for more photos or momentos. There is plenty of journaling space on the tags for mum to write and document the mini story behind each photo, a very important thing. I love the feel of the feathers and the hard clinky charms on the spine. The ribbons almost make a nest for them to sit. Mum was really pleased with the result and I hope that I have done justice to the memory of my relatives, some of which I had never met. This is my gift to them.
Just goes to show, even a kid sitting on a tricycle has no idea that they are making a memory at the time. You just never know when you are making a memory (as they say, well so says Ricki Lee Jones!).